The Writer
PeiZhen Legal 23 27/12/87 NTU-Accountancy Now Playing
Music Playlist at MixPod.com I believed when the clock struck 12 I would still remain gracefully posed in the centre of the ballroom . I believed the prince would take my hand and tell me he has chosen me . I believed it wasnt just a fantasy.. I guess I was delusional in the face of something so perfect ? because the dress turned back to rags my long hair fell down back to my shoulders with all the jewels gone.
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Sunday, April 10, 2011 11:18 PM Getting high on Dream High! Its the reason why I have chosen to compromise blogging on my Hokkaido trip. Thats the problem of me not able to multi-task! In fact, this drama is the second korean drama I have fallen in love with at the moment, after Playful Kiss. Inspiring plot, nice casts and beautiful songs to get me hooked on PPS every night for the past weeks. Thanks to JH and Pi for introducing me to this drama. Although I am done with it, but consider me a freak with watching dramas, I might watch it the second time. But first, I will watch Secret Garden, since Pi has greatly recommended it and I trust her taste. Haha. Two Thumbs up to Dream High! 真。心话 Saturday, March 12, 2011 4:13 PM 好久没写部落格了,而且还是用中文的。突然有股心血来潮,就一字一字打了下来。
北海道到处都是雪堆,走在雪地的马路上,大家的脚步都在放慢,小心翼翼的以免滑倒。一粒一粒的雪球不断地打在我厚厚的外套上,让我感受到真的是在下雪了!人行道不见什么人影,下雪对当地的日本人来说简直是正常不过, 只有像我这种newbie才会为了这种芝麻绿豆的事感到兴奋。当然啦,在新加坡每天都是夏天, 每天都和太阳做伴的 国人总是在发牢骚 , 埋怨天气有多么的炎热让人烧焦。冬天的北海道像是来到了地球的另一端, 让穿着厚厚冬装的我们在寒冷的季节里也能感受到这白色的美丽。 无人干扰的‘大倉山ジャンプ競技場’,不禁让人忍不住想在这整片雪地上我行我素。 我好喜欢这里带给我的释放和解脱,这样的自由自在是城市里无法给予的。真想来个痛快的“打雪仗”! 来到了像是小人国的‘白い恋人パーク’ 仿佛回到了天真的童年, 让人能够像小时候一样无忧无虑地尽情玩乐。只不过当铃声响起时, 从梦中苏醒的你只能感叹这一切是短暂的,但也相信拥有的回忆是美好无价的。 第一天的北海道之旅已让人叹为观止。那么接下来的行程,是不是也一样让我们有所期待呢? 真。心话 Sunday, January 23, 2011 4:27 PM Two . Zero . One . One While I am still thinking of the wishes to make in this coming rabbit year, I couldn't expect much especially when I have already visited the doctor twice in January. Down with serious flu out of a sudden, and have caught a bit of the asthma trigger. Breathing hard through the mouth is a torture for me when inhaling as much oxygen as I can seem like the only luxury at that moment in time. Surprised when the doctor told me that my last record was actually in 2008, albeit my impression that it shouldn't be so long since my last attack. Well, I am slowly recovering, hopefully able to enjoy the upcoming festive season that I am always looking forward to. I love the gatherings with my maternal relatives, its just two weeks time =] 2010 ended fast as usual. One significant happening for me would be of course, the switch of job. To a professional job in the eyes of many counterparts to one that I am more comfortable in and suitable of. And I am still doing alright, achieving some progress in the year ahead will definitely be what I am aiming for. In addition, I have completed my intemediate korean lessons, and will be signing up for advance course in a few months time. Not well spoken yet, but it does serves as a very good enrichment for me and I will keep moving on. I have mapped two more new countries in 2010 on my travelling portfolio- Korea with my family and Hong Kong with Pi. While I am always planning for more trips and adventures, it suddenly dawned on me that I should do some financial savings starting from this year onwards. Even though I don't wish to admit, but have no choice but to agree that everything is on the rise and speaking of what our insurance agents always tell us, interest rates can't beat inflation. An ugly truth for me, especially when I am one who is always skeptical of what insurance can do for me and would prefer to choose the conservatism way. Very " aunty" mentality, I know but no choice, for I am a risk-averse person, particularly when this involves monetary issue and you are making a difficult decision of whether to continue venturing into this investment or not. Trying very hard not to think of " retirement plans" yet, for it will only make me more lethargic and stressful. Work hard, save smart and enjoy life well will be what I will continue to be. No interesting or special resolution to declare this year. When everything is going to turn out bad for all rabbits in this year- relationships, health, career and wealth, I wouldn't wish for more if my two aging parents can live healthily and happily with no worries. Plus less naggings, hee hee. I know of course their worries come from both my brother and I, so for the sake of them, I will try my very best to fulfil the role of a 24-year old daughter. Prosperity and blessings to all in 2011! 真。心话 Saturday, December 18, 2010 2:11 PM 5 Wonders of Hong Kong/Macau (14th-18th Nov 2010) I have seen alot of my friends taking pics of the Little Venetian in Macau and I was always feeling envious of how beautiful it was. It really was when we made our way there, we spent almost an hour (or more) trying to find the best spot and adjsuting our camera for the right lighting. No wonder it marks the place of attraction not to be missed in Macau. Did I mention before that I love visiting the architectures? Continuining from England and Paris' adventures, I love my picture here with the Ruins of St Paul's. Even though I didn't really go into studying the history, but just by looking at it alone, I find this ruined facade attractive and I am certainly satisfied even with just this for my visit to Macau. While both Pi and I were trying to pen down the list of local delicacies of must-tries in HK, we realised we didn't have a lot of days for lunch-es and dinners taking into account our itineraries and timing. But well, it suddenly jumped on me that we could have a combi together. And so we went for Goose with fish Congee from the Fuk Kee along Playing Field road at Mong Kok. I remember we walked quite a distance to search for it. And well, it marks its name and never fail us. But not sure it really was goose or was it merely duck. It doesn't really matter, anyway. We had a taste of congee and so-called goose in HK already. =] Next was the Wonton-Mee from Chee Kei recommended by Mimi. Have heard alot of comments regarding wonton-mee in HK. Some said it tastes different from SG with no char-siew. Some said it was full of lard. Sound disgusting. But we still wanted a try and so we left some stomach space for it after we returned from Macau. Not too bad with the prawn filling inside, but the mee tasted ordinary though. Might try different types of wonton-mee if I am back to Chee Kei the second time. Lantau Island with the Giant Buddha! How could I skip this for Disneyland or Ocean Park! Even though there were 200 steps to go, the feeling of completing it was equivalent to that of the Sunrise Peak when I was in Jeju. S.A.T.I.S.F.I.E.D. Physically tired but mentally refresh =] A short and simple get-away. Didn't shop a lot cause of the winter season. Lots of laser eyes shopping but we managed to cover most of what we wanted to see though. For the upcoming years ahead, I am not sure if I will be visiting HK again, might or might not depending. But definitely, this trip will be part of my life portfolio =] 真。心话 Friday, October 22, 2010 11:32 PM Gonna watch it the second time, finally there is something to look forward to every night. =] 真。心话 |